Doctor Who Internet Adventures Wiki

Writer's Notes
Ok, I'm cheating slightly by not continuing the story but taking a side-trip. I noticed that nobody had really covered Hartnell and Susan yet, so I figured I'd use the excuse to take him and the story somewhere different and on a new track to having him just join up with the others. The fact I was completely stuck for ideas on what this game actually will be is completely irrelevant ;)

      The mysterious Dr Who at the end is supposed to be Peter Cushing's version of the character from the sixties Dalek movies (and the set they're in is the Dalek control room from the first one, with allowances to ensure that Susan could recognise it as such). Auntie Iris is Iris Wildthyme of EDA/audio fame (I needed someone to get Hartnell out of the same loop the other Doctors got into, with someone taking him aside to start the game. Iris has merely taken him backstage as it were) and the car-thing is of course the Whomobile. Other locations featured in this chapter is the Powell Estate circa "Aliens Of London", which has lead off from Bad Wolf Bay (where presumably Ian, Barbara and the original TARDIS is waiting). The field is Q'ell, mentioned in Cameron's chapter, only Hartnell and Susan are still in the English field part.

      As always, feel free to ignore or take on anything of what I've intended. Now it's up to Molly to make sense of things. Good luck!
